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Water Party

Water parties are pretty fun. Many people, drinks, water, foam. It's a bit different for me, as I usually avoid situations in which I would have to wear a bikini - because of bad experiences in the past. At the time when the water party was about to take place, I was at the height of my boob faking skills. I didn't only pretend to have breasts, I even pretended to have huge ones. Of course this was impossible to do with a bikini, so when my friends told me that we should go to the water party, I started to become pretty nervous. This was the kind of situation that I would tend to avoid during the past years. Unfortunately, I had really run out of excuses, as I had already agreed to go out on that evening, before I knew it was a water party. There was no escape for me this time, and that was quite a challenge. Revealing my flatness was no option, obviously.

Just as a status reminder: this one of my "self-documentation" pics, showing how my chest actually looked like around that time...

Fortunately, after checking a lot of possible swim wear options, I found this one-piece bathing suit, which didn't even have a cleavage and was therefore suited very well for wearing a bra with pads underneath. I did a lot of testing at home with various strapless bras underneath, took showers with it etc. and found out that it would work, even when getting wet.

I had a lot of fun in the water and the foam and really enjoyed the evening. That made me almost wonder why I had always avoided this kind of events and hadn't just tried these clothing tricks earlier.

Around one at night, people started to leave, and we decided to also head towards the club we usually went to on the weekends. Unfortunately, there was a long queue at the locker cabins as many people wanted to get out of the wet clothes into something dry. My friends started to discuss that they didn't want to spend half an hour queuing, and suddenly the idea to instead change our clothes in one of my friends car developed. It's probably no surprise that I tried to convince them to stay in the queue - but unsuccessfully. While we were walking to the car, I felt a bit of panic about how I could now handle the situation. As we had arrived, I decided it was better if some strangers might see me naked than if my friends did. So, I claimed that there was not enough room for me to change in the car and while the others were getting inside, I started to change between their car and the next car on the parking lot. Most people were fortunately still in the locker rooms or on the party area; therefore, there weren't any people nearby on the parking lot. I turned my backside to the car, so if one of my friends (which were all female anyway) would actually try to get a glimpse, they would be distracted by my unbelievable booty. Still, I didn't dare to change my bra with the pads, so I kept the wet bra on underneath the clothes. It didn't matter much, as my dress was black, and it wasn't really visible that the dress was getting wet from the bra.

Once again, I got away with it...


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