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Showing posts from March, 2023

Gaining weight

As I've told you before, I got pretty good at faking my boobs. But you can imagine that it is very annoying and exhausting to always be worried about accidental exposures, to always be worried about other kinds of clothing mishaps, to always be worried about somebody finding out about my secret. And finally, sexual activities are always a challenge – either by trying to keep the top on or by being embarrassed by having to confess the actual lack of breasts. Google is your friend. And so, I started an online research about how to increase your breast size. The most obvious answer was breast augmentation, of course. I didn't have the money for that, and I still don't really have it. So, this wasn't an option. I found a lot about all kinds of herbal pills, oils, you name it. After a while, my conclusion was, that my breasts were so small because I was so slim.  These are the oldest naked ones I could find - you can see how slim I was, and my chest was almost completely fla